Jordi Mill (UPF) Pitches: VIDAA Abstract: VIDAA is a 3D web-based platform that supports doctors to make better decisions during a clinical procedure called left atrial appendage occlusion (LAAO), important for treating atrial fibrillation, and avoiding stroke. The LAAO is a procedure that helps to prevent these complications by closing off a small part of the heart (the left atrial appendage) where blood can pool and form clots. However, LAAO procedures are complex because every patient’s heart is different. Doctors need to choose the best device for each patient and place it perfectly to ensure it does not cause post-operative complications. VIDAA allows doctors to practice the procedure in the computer on a virtual representation of the patient’s heart, and check the potential adverse consequences of each medical decision with patient-specific simulations, all before performing the real intervention. It supports clinicians to learn faster, make fewer mistakes, and provide better care. Sergio Sánchez (UPF) Pitches: TRANSCOR: TRANSLATIONAL COMPUTING SOLUTIONS IN CARDIOLOGY Abstract: Cardiovascular diseases remain the leading causes of death worldwide and substantially contribute to loss of health and excess health system costs. Up to 47% of diagnostic errors in cardiology are due to misidentification of findings. Artificial intelligence (AI) tools can assist cardiologists in making more informed decisions based on patient data and minimize errors for optimal diagnosis and treatment recommendations. However, the use of such tools for clinical decision-making is still in its early days. For widespread adoption, AI tools will need to demonstrate a significant improvement in patients’ quality of life and mortality. This will only be possible with the availability of large amounts of quality data, crucial for effectively training AI models. TransCOR is a software platform specifically conceived to collect and analyze ultrasound (US) imaging, the most widely used modality in cardiology, to support clinical decision-making. Designed by and for cardiologists to maximize its clinical relevance, its competitive advantage over currently available solutions lies in the combination of the following features: 1. Ground-truth generation for quality AI development – TransCOR is an end-to-end solution that connects to data sources, promotes the collection of high-quality images through rigorous quality checks, and integrates tools to generate ground-truth data (e.g., segmentation of anatomical structures or delineation of Doppler signals) for meaningful AI model development. 2. Precise and fast automation of US reports – TransCOR’s AI-automated extraction of cardiac measurements reduces the reading time per imaging study and contributes to the standardization of reports, thus minimizing failures in subsequent diagnosis. 3. Federated / collaborative – its cloud-based infrastructure, and privacy-by-design implementation, enable the connection and cooperation of clinical teams around the globe. 4. Vendor neutrality – TransCOR is designed to be versatile, interoperable, and compatible with the wide array of US imaging equipment typically found in real-world clinical practice. As a decision support tool, TransCOR has the potential to impact society by improving patient outcomes and quality of life. The economic impact of TransCOR lies in its ability to transform current healthcare into a more personalized and cost-efficient system. Morteza Rasouligandomani (UPF ) & Pablo Orons Vazquez (UPF) Pitches: SimOSpine Abstract: SimOSpine is a software as medical device (SaMD) for the planification and prognosis of spine surgeries. This technology combines advanced tissue and organs computational modeling techniques (i.e. statistical shape modeling, mesh morphing…) with finite element simulations in order to predict and analyze the risk of post-surgical mechanical complications taking into account different variables (bone quality, instrumentation positioning and material properties, patient’s weight…). This tool provides this opportunity for medical doctors to enhance their treatment decisions. It also offers implant manufacturers the possibility of testing their new designs on large virtual population cohorts. Therefore, SimOSpine plays the role of the 3P-medicine, as it aims for preventive, personalized and precise therapeutics.