Marta Guardiola (MiWEndo)

MiWEndo: from the idea to the clinical validation

Abstract: In this presentation, I will showcase the steps I have taken to develop a medical device for early detection of  colorectal cancer using innovative microwave technology. The journey begins with the initial idea, which arose during my research stage at UPF, and extends to the current phase with a 4-year-old established company comprising a multidisciplinary team of 23 individuals. We are currently conducting clinical trials and submitting regulatory documentation to obtain market authorization in Europe. The presentation will cover how we have progressed in a balanced manner across the 4 pillars of medical device development: technology, business, clinical, and regulatory.

Biosketch: Marta Guardiola received the M.Sc. degree in telecommunications and the Ph.D. from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain, in 2009 and 2013, respectively. In 2012 she was at the University of Bristol for a research stay. In 2019, she co-founded MiWEndo Solutions, a spinoff devoted to the development of a microwave colonoscopy system. In MiWEndo Solutions she serves as the President and CTO. She has co-authored tens of journal and conference papers, has directed 8 PhD and Master thesis, has participated in tens of research projects (5 as PI) including the EIC Accelerator, holds 2 patents, and has received more than 10 awards including Dona TIC Award, Premio Real Academia de Ingeniería, Salvà i Campillo Award, Duran i Farell Award, the recognition of the Scientific Journal Nature in its Spinoff Prize. She received training in entrepreneurship from the University of California Berkeley. She is an Associate Professor in Universitat Internacional de Catalunya and Universitat Pompeu Fabra.