Disc4All Press Releases

  • The Fourth Disc4All Winter School is a cornerstone event in Disc4All calendar, bringing together experts and enthusiasts in the field of in silico medicine!

    The fourth Disc4All Winter School was hosted by KU Leuven with Organisation Committee: Prof. Lisbet Geris, Bernard Staumont, Ahmad Alminnawi, Dorina Stanculescu, Luca Emili. During this final edition, we were very pleased to welcome on-site and remotely 6 international speakers, 38+ Disc4all Consortium Members, Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) and external attendees. Detailed agenda and information here: https://insilicotrials.com/disc4all/.


    4th Disc4All Winter School was held from February 19th to 23rd 2024 at KU Leuven in Belgium, organised by InSilicoTrials Technologies.