Disc4All Press Releases

  • Katherine Crump has received both the ESB Travel Grant and the ESB Youngster Committee Poster Award!

    She said ¨I had such an amazing time attending ESB 2024 in Edinburgh last week to present my PhD research and hear about the latest in biomechanics! Very honored to have received both the ESB Travel Grant and the ESB Youngster Committee Poster Award :) Thank you European Society of Biomechanics for putting together a great conference!!! And of course, a special thanks to my Disc4All EU Project colleagues who have supported me throughout.¨ Congratulation, Katherine!

  • The Best Presenter Award for ESR Andrea Nüesch!

    Andrea Nüesch posted a few days ago ¨It was wonderful to return to Davos for the ARI Orthopaedics Conferences meeting for Orthopaedic Infections. I thoroughly enjoyed hearing about orthopedic infections from various perspectives. A highlight for me was receiving an update on Prof. S Rajasekaran's latest studies on intervertebral disc infections. Thank you for organizing such a great conference and for awarding me the Best Presenter Award. It was a pleasure to present my PhD project Disc4All EU Project. ¨